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China Importer of Record and IT Shipping

High tariffs and consistently changing geo-political circumstances require an expert Importer of Record and Shipping service in China.

China Importer of Record at a Glance:

Importer of Record 

  • Your Importer of Record service provider should be able to navigate the CCC process
  • On-going trade wars between the US and China require an expert importer that will be able to help you navigate the complex systems of tariffs

IT Shipping & Logistics

  • China does not accept used goods 
  • Chinese customs has certain packaging requirements in compliance with environmental protection treaties 

Importer of Record and Pre-Shipment Documentation 


In China, you (as the shipper) will need to obtain a China Compulsory Certificate (CCC). The CCC is similar to other product standardization and safety documentation that is necessary in other countries. In China, you only need the certificate for primary electrical devices or power supplies. 

Primary vs. Secondary Devices
Primary Device – In simple terms, primary devices refer to the electronic equipment that performs the main function of the equipment. Computers, serves, switches, etc.

Secondary Device – Secondary devices are the non-electronic accessories to the primary devices.

US-China Trade War 

As of 2022, the US and China are involved in a “trade-war” that has resulted in billions of dollars of extra fines, tariffs, and regulations. Because of the tumultuous nature of US-China trade relations these regulations and stipulations are subject to rapid change. FGX can help you find the most cost effective option for procurement, manage the complex tariff process, and help you navigate the complicated geo-political situation. As import experts, we are constantly adapting to the requirements of US-China trade and can navigate the complexities on your behalf. 

IT Shipping & Logistics

China is fairly amicable to foreign imports with a digital customs process, but they do have some shipping restrictions. 

Used Goods 

China does not allow the import of used telecommunications goods. It’s important to note that “used,” by importer standards, refers to any equipment not in its original packaging. We highly recommend that if you are importing goods into China you buy them new unless absolutely necessary to do otherwise. If you are considering shipping new or used goods, or are unsure of your equipments’ status, FGX can help you with the shipping particulars as part of our door to data center service. 


For environmental reasons, there are a select number of countries that have restrictions on packaging materials used during imports. China adheres to the IPPC standard of regulation and therefore you cannot use certain materials for your packaging and palleting of equipment. You should contact an importer of record service, like FGX, that is familiar with the regulations of Chinese imports. 

FGX manages all of our client’s shipments door-to-door (or door-to-data center). This case study showcases how we navigated IT logistics and importation into China at the time that it was written. Regulations and challenges are constantly changing and exact shipping requirements may have changed. To learn more about FGX and how our global shipping platform can help your company, reach out here.